Tuesday, April 2, 2024

I'm Feeling Much like Jonah, in These Days!


Las Vegas, NV, April 2, 2024 -APTTMHY! The Good News is: Love Hopes! 1 Corinthians 13:13 KJV teaches us: Love is patient, Love is Kind, It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres, Love NEVER FAILS. 

Back when I decided, I was going to start blogging for Christ Yahshua, in 2005 who knew, but YAH! APTTMHY! Click here for the blog post I posted back in March 9, 2011, regarding Jonah. Or you can copy/paste this link;  https://gforcenews.blogspot.com/search?q=Jonah.

Most people should be able to related to this, regardless if your a Believer or Not! They're those times when we know we have an assignment to do, but the spirit of procrastination enters us! We say to ourselves, I'll do it next week, after I come back from my vacation, or I took some days off, and once I do this. I'll to that. We have given our Father who art in Heaven, enough excuses. The same ones we give to ourselves day in and day out. 

It's been time to REPENT to our Father though our King of Kings, Lords of Lords, Our Lord and Savior Yahshua HaMashiach! When has the Untied Stated of America ever REPENTED for All the horrendous, events that took innocent lives and still continue to this day. 

Why does America feel that a recompense, it's due? 

updated @8:37PM Blog post.

Welcome, believers and non-believers alike! Let's dig deep into one of the most intriguing stories in the Bible - Jonah, the Whale, and Nineveh. Whether you're familiar with this story or hearing it for the first time, our discussion is bound to offer some enlightening perspectives.

Jonah's Vacation Plan

It all started when Jonah, a prophet of God, had a vacation plan. But as is often the case, life had other plans. YAH(God) told Jonah to go to Nineveh, an infamous city known for its wickedness and sin. The task was clear: Jonah was to warn the city of its impending doom if it did not repent.

But Jonah had other ideas. He didn't want to go to Nineveh. Maybe he was scared, maybe he didn't believe they deserved YAH(God)’s mercy. Whatever the reason, Jonah decided to disobey YAH(God)'s direct command.

Jonah's Disobedience

Instead of heading to Nineveh, Jonah set sail on a boat in the complete opposite direction. He thought he could outrun God's command and his responsibility. But God had other plans. As Jonah was sailing away, a mighty storm hit. The crew, sensing that something was amiss, cast lots to determine who was responsible for their misfortune. All lots pointed to Jonah.

The Whale's Belly

Fearing for their lives, the crew threw Jonah overboard. Now, if you think the story ends here, you're mistaken. The story takes an even more dramatic twist. God sent a whale to swallow Jonah. Yes, you heard that right. Jonah ended up in the belly of a whale. It was there, in the dark and desolate belly of the beast, that Jonah had time to reflect on his actions. America this is what your going to go though, regardless of what. YAH shall not be mocked. It is only to Our Lord and Savior, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lord who makes intercession for us.

Jonah's Repentance

After three days and three nights, the whale spat Jonah out. This ordeal in the whale's belly was more than just a punishment; it was an opportunity for Jonah to repent and amend his ways, and he did. He realized his mistake and vowed to follow YAH's command.

The Redemption

Humbled and repentant, Jonah finally went to Nineveh. He preached God's message, warning the Ninevites of the destruction that awaited them if they did not change their ways. To Jonah's surprise, and perhaps to ours as well, the people of Nineveh listened. They repented, and YAH spared the city.

Lessons from Jonah's Story

Jonah's story is more than just an adventure tale. It's a journey of disobedience, repentance, and redemption. It teaches us that running away from our responsibilities is not the solution. We may try, like Jonah, to run from what we're called to do. But we cannot run from the consequences of our actions.

So, what do you think is the message in the story of Jonah and the Whale? How can we apply these lessons to our lives? Let's open the floor for discussion. Your thoughts and insights are most welcome. Together, let's explore the profound wisdom within this biblical story.

So for now!


Your Girl LG

Remember Ripple's Believe it or not!?

Smart Move, Joe!

 Shout out to my beloved Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia and it still will continue. Please note: I am not from Virginia. Congratulatio...